    发表于 菲律宾


    该平台大约 2 次前骗了我,我发送了 10 多个投诉,但他们不接受我的请求,并告诉我业务规则没有被破坏,我交易了 0.1 手并结束了,但是当我收到每日确认电子邮件时,我看到是1.0 手,我损失了大约 2500 美元。现在我有了这些信息并希望有人帮助我如果他们真的受到监管,为什么不回答我们的投诉?请远离。

    ALPARI-RU an BIG SCAM Broker
    Alpari RU Scam me about 2 mount ago and i send more then 10 complaint but they don’t accept my request and tell me about business roul not broken i trade 0.1 Lot size and left the trade but when i got daily confirmation Email i see they wraith 1.0 lot size and i loss about 2500 USD and they don’t accept they mistake i send my log zip file and they answer and my daily statement replay and all in a zip file to view all and show how much they SCAM US and we never can do a right compliant all people doing trade with this Broker But when they see loss in him side doing this action and always losser are US . Now I have this information and want someone help me in this way If they are really regulation in some where why they don’t answer our complaint and always in Broker side ? I want Just show You Alparu ru (alpari-forex.com 2) is An scam Broker site and keep this complaint and never want they accept this is a folk of them and 2500 $ is a big money for a trader working with 0.1 lot size after this i told to everybody trade with Sweden or Switzerland or UK or US .


