    发表于 中国香港

    骗局:中国女孩在Tinder招募上海和香港地区在FTFX,FT和 oneZero 合伙人

    我被拉进一个群聊,里面的人专门诈骗来自欧洲,美国和俄罗斯的投资者。Tinder上的中国女人推荐我们FTFX平台。公司真实名称是Fortis Development Limited 注册号:2675880地址:FT Life Tower九龙湾长耀路18号。然而,他们却虚假地宣传其地址为香港旺角道33号光明大厦7楼4室香港。虚假电话:+85251329587。那里没有办公室。你会被拉进一个名为“世界充满爱与人”,她们会根据你的资金大小给你分配不同的账户。开始你还能赚一点钱,接着她们就不再帮助你。你开始不断亏损,接着她们会建议你加大资金,加入VIP投资者群,里面有一名叫MR.MORAL / PETER XU的分析师,微信号:yqx19671015,wxid_lkyx3dfmqrsr12,wxid_xghvj33f6bbz22。当我说我没钱再加的时候,她们说可以帮我账户加资金,接着就我的账户锁了,你就不能出金。

    Chinese Girls Recruiting in Tinder to Trade Gold in FTFX OR FT TRADE OR ONEZERO (partner) based HK and Shanghai Scam
    I have a whatsapp group with defrauded investors from Europe, the U.S and Russia. We were all approached by different Chinese girls in TINDER who suggested to invest in GOLD through FT trade limited (FTFX) which the real company name is Fortis Development Limited, Registration number:2675880 Address: 18 Chang Yiu Road, Kowloon Bay, FT Life Tower. However, they have false advertisement of their address: Hong Kong, Unit 4, 7/F, Bright Way Tower, No.33, Mong Kok Road/Kowloon. FAKE Phone number: +85251329587. THERE IS NO OFFICE THERE. Eventually, you invest and you get added to a wechat group called world full of love or common people, or the VIP investors group depending on the amount of money you transfer to their broker accounts. Then, with the help of these girls you start making a little bit of money, they will stop helping you, then you will start losing money, again they will suggest to invest more money if you wanna become part of a VIP wechat group called Investors Group, run by a suppose to be analyst by the name of MR.MORAL/PETER XU wechat id yqx19671015 or wxid_lkyx3dfmqrsr12, wxid_xghvj33f6bbz22. Then, when you mention you do not have anymore money to invest, then they will kindly suggest they can add money to your account, at that moment your account is locked and you can not withdraw any money.


