    发表于 南非


    我一直在Oinvest进行交易,Mr. Mehdi指导我并保证绝不会亏损。于是在6月11号我和公司签了合同。开始,我存了3500元到,接着使用指定账户Havvi Lion进行交易。她建议我加金25000来获取更大的收益。但是没过几天,我就把钱亏完了。她叫我再入金5万来回本。因为我缺乏经验,所以每次亏损了,她都把责任归咎到我身上。我已经损失了471000,她继续叫我贷款来交易。

    Oinvest Big Scam
    I began trading with a company called Oinvest. My initial interaction was with Mr. Mehdi who ensured me his mentorship every step of the way. Ensuring that I would not lose any money, but I will only gain. I then signed up with the company on the 11 June 2020. The initial (minimum) investment amount was R3500 which I deposited into the companys account.Thereafter I was assigned to an account manager by the name of Havvi Lion. I began trading with Havvi’s leadership. The initial trades were made with small amounts which led to small amounts of profit. She then suggested I invest R25000 in order to make a larger profit. I transferred the amount (R25000) into the account and began trading, with her leadership. After a few days I had lost all the money that I invested(R28500). She then advised me to make a larger deposit of R50000 for me to protect my account and recover everything that I had lost. Due to my lack of knowledge and experience she took advantage of the situation and manipulated me into depositing larger amounts each time I lost to the market. Each time something went wrong or against my favour she would blame and insist it was my fault. She used my own emotions against me in order to scam me. I have since lost R471 000. She forced me to take a bank loan to protect whatever funds I still had left that were running on trades.


