
一开始我存了20,000美元,然后第二次存了40,000美元,但在获利后我无法提款。我问客户服务为什么我不能提款,他们说我被怀疑恶意攻击系统数据以产生高额费用。利润。需支付帐户余额100%的违约金,并且如果在72小时内没有违规并支付违规罚款,该帐户将被解锁,但是!转换所有内容后,我将不得不另外存入$ 70,000。我犹豫了一下,突然发现CF Markets是欺诈平台。因此,我没有进行新的存款,而是取回了之前存的钱。用您的付款证明,写信给financialrecovery.tech并提出投诉,以帮助您解决提款问题并取回您的钱。CF Markets不能信任,您将继续亏损,因为他们会向您展示亏损交易,然后再转移资金。
couldn't withdraw
At the beginning i deposited $20,000 and then made a second deposit of $40,000 but after making profits, i couldn’t withdraw.I asked the customer service why i couldn't withdraw and they said I was suspected of maliciously attacking system data to generate high profits. A liquidated damage of 100% of the account balance is required and if there is no violation within 72 hours and a violation penalty is paid, the account will be unlocked but! After converting everything, i would have had to deposit additional $70,000. I hesitated and suddenly found out that CF Markets is a fraud platform. So I didn’t make the new deposit and i got back the money i deposited earlier.With your proof of payment, write to financialrecovery.tech and file a complaint to help you get your withdrawal issues sorted and get your money back. CF Markets is not to be trusted, you will keep losing funds because they are banking on showing you losing trades and moving away with your funds afterwards.