
我损失了1万美元,这些奖金甚至命令我在24小时内偿还,说“您的帐户交易100手XAUUSD -USD3450”。
I lose $10K and those winnings it even ordered me to repay them back within 24 hours saying ‘your account is trading 100 lots of XAUUSD -USD3450’.
I am doubting this is a authentic platform first it requested for a $6195 for a violation of making profits from the original investment and now they are asking for a return of $3450 for making a loss in their platform saying ‘your account is trading 100 lots of XAUUSD on 2021.3.1. Due to the large position, the position has been liquidated. At present, your account balance is negative-3450 USD. Please pay the negative account-3450 USD in time, the platform will pay Malicious fund or sue me!