    发表于 澳大利亚


    他们通过社交媒体招揽人。他们会告诉你他们赚了多少钱。这些人来自台湾和香港。他们假装自己是 BTCADA 的经纪人,他们都是 BTCADA 的一部分。他们所有网站上的所有注册号都是虚假的。澳大利亚ASIC No 335692和ABN是假的,属于国际资本市场。 NFA 会员号是真实的 (0536894),但它不像他们在网站上声称的那样受到监管。在其他网站上,他们声称NFA号(335692)是上面提到的ASIC号,并且在NFA上已向Dwayne Pacheo注册。MSB(注册号:M20145625)属于Redstone Markets,而不是BTCADAEVERY他们的任何一个站点都是A SCAM.当被问及他们的真实性时,他们的回答是“它只是一个嫉妒的竞争对手,负面评论是正常的”这不是对虚假注册号的合乎逻辑的解释。在他们的网站上。然后他们禁用了我们的账户并拿走了钱并封锁了我们的号码。他们目前使用的所有网站:https://www.btcadaglobalfox.com/、https://btc-gala.com/en/、https:// btcwold.com/, https://btcadafx.com/, www.btcgfx.com, https://btcadaforex.com/plus/list.php?tid=14 , 秦健是在英国注册BTCADA Global的人谁说这项业务的目的是为IT技术和生活在中国。我相信我已经找到了他在中国的地址。

    Its a ponzie scheme scam
    They solicit people through social media. They show you how much they are making. These people are from Taiwan and Hong Kong. They pretend they are brokers for BTCADA, they are all part of BTCADA. All their registrations no's are false on all their websites. Australian ASIC no 335692 and ABN is false and belongs to International Capital Markets. NFA member no is real (0536894) but it is not regulated like they claim on their website. On other websites they claim NFA no (335692), which is the ASIC no mentioned above and under the NFA is registered to a Dwayne Pacheo) MSB (registration number: M20145625) belongs to Redstone Markets not BTCADAEVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR SITES ARE ALL A SCAM.When questioned regarding their authenticity, Their response was "its just a jealous competitor and negative comments are normal" which is not a logical explanation for false registration nos. on their website. Then they disabled our accounts and took the money and blocked our numbers.All their websites they are using currently: https://www.btcadaglobalfox.com/, https://btc-gala.com/en/, https://btcwold.com/ , https://btcadafx.com/, www.btcgfx.com, https://btcadaforex.com/plus/list.php?tid=14 , Jian Qin is the one who has registered BTCADA Global in UK who states the purpose of this business is for IT technologies and lives in China. I believe I have found his address in china.


