    Rain 雨灵
    发表于 美国


    人们引诱我使用Portal Realm Limited(http://www.portalrealm.co) 声称 PRL 是合法的,在 https://www.fincen.gov 注册并且是 NFA(美国国家期货协会)的成员,NFA ID 0537783。它,我转移了超过 16,000 美元到 PRL。仅过了一周,我的账户就被锁定,无法提现。所谓的客户经理说,我需要额外转账4万美元才能重新激活我的账户并启用提款。我给 PRL 合规部门写了电子邮件,但没有得到任何回复。除了电子邮件,没有其他方式可以直接与 PRL 通信。现在我查了一下,任何可以在 www.fincen.gov 和 ww.fincen.gov 上注册的公司都不会验证它的任何信息。另外,NFA 表示 NFA ID 仅用于跟踪目的,Portal Realm Limited不是他们的成员,因此 NFA 对此无能为力,只能向商品期货交易委员会 (CFTC) 报告。 NFA 可以给出的唯一建议是不要发送 4 万美元。客户经理说我可以向任何当局投诉。确实,我找不到任何权威会检查这样的骗局。

    Unable to withdraw, asked to deposit a lot more fund to reactivate the account
    People luring me to use Portal Realm Limited (http://www.portalrealm.co) claiming that PRL is legit, and is a member of NFA (National Futures Association) with NFA ID 0537783. Before checking into the details of it, I transferred over $16K to PRL. Only after a week, my account was locked and unable to withdraw. The so called account manager said that I need to transfer additional $40K to reactivate my account and enable the withdrawal. I wrote email to PRL compliance department and do not get any reply. There is no other way to direct communicate with PRL other than the emails. Now I checked that whatever company can register in www.fincen.gov and ww.fincen.gov will not verify any information of it. Also, NFA said that NFA ID is only for tracking purposes, Portal Realm Limited is not their member, as such NFA cannot do anything about it but only reporting this to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Only advice that NFA can give is not to send the $40K. The account manager said that I can complain to any authority as I wish. True that I can’t find any authority will check into a SCAM like this.


