    发表于 马来西亚


    MarketsProfit (https://www.MarketsProfit .com/uk/en/) 与交易商/骗子合作,诱骗用户进行外汇投资。他们不时提供有吸引力的资本充值奖金,鼓励入金,并为会员提供每日利率,以便将资本和利润保留在账户中,而不是出金。我是外汇交易的新手,非常信任他们。当我想出金时,代理和客服突然消失了。然后我才意识到这是一个骗局,我的帐户因未经授权的交易而被黑客入侵,MT 5 帐户中的所有余额被清空了。我的进一步调查发现MarketsProfit没有在客户门户中记录我所有的资金交易,并且其中的账户余额与 MT5 账户中的余额不符。此外,尽管客户门户显示我的帐户有余额,但不处理出金请求。MarketsProfit是一个诈骗平台。请远离他们!我是受害者之一。

    Scam Broker
    Marketsprofit (https://www.marketsprofit.com/uk/en/) works with agent/scammer to lure you into forex investment. They keep encouraging you to fund your account by offering attractive capital top up bonuses from time to time and give daily interest rates for members who achieved some level of funds in their account so that you will always keep the capital and profit in the account but not withdraw. I am a novice in Forex trading and trusted the agent so much. When i wish to withdraw my funds, both the agent and customer service missing in action all of sudden. Then only i realised it was a scam and my account was hacked for unauthorised trades to clear all the balance in my MT 5 account on the day the customer service disappeared. My further investigation discovered that Marketsprofit did not record all my funding transactions in the client portal and the balance of accounts in the client portal is not tele with the balance in the MT5 account. Also, the fund withdrawal request via the client portal will never be processed although the client portal has shown my account has the balance. Marketsprofit is a scam broker and organized syndicate, beware and stay away from them! I am one of their victims.


