    发表于 菲律宾


    自 2021 年 2 月 22 日以来,我无法出金,客服经理一直让我继续入金。2019 年 2 月末后,电话和邮件他们都不回复,我已经向我的客户经理发送了 2 封电子邮件,向资金部门发送了 1 封电子邮件,地址为Discovery Forex,都没有反应。我的帐户处于“等待处理”状态超过 20 个工作日,但他们没有解释为什么银行电汇没有到账。我将联系塞浦路斯的监管机构,并寻求法律帮助来取回我的钱。

    I just invest my own wallet into there own wallet!
    I started to transfer some money out of my accounts in Discovery FX and got into real withdraw problems. I'm trying to get 20,000p from one of my accounts there since 22-Feb-2021. So far my so called "account manager" is giving me some vague explanation of delays in the payment systems. He called very often months ago to urge me to put more money in the broker - since end of Feb-2019 I did not heard from him - neither call nor e-mails. I've sent 2 e-mails to my account manager, and 1 e-mail to the funding department at Discovery FX - no response. My account is in "waiting for processing" for over 20 business days with no explanation why the bank wire transfer is not happening. I will soon contact the regulatory authorities in Cyprus and seek for legal options to get my money back. I've never


