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    请小心这个爱情骗子Frank Jack (Jakki) whatsapp#

    请小心这个爱情骗子Frank Jack (Jakki) whatsapp#, (315) 362-1085, 电子邮件 frank1765@gmail.com 或 jackk8292@gmail.com。他是一个健谈的人,总是要钱来进行一项号称一周内能让投资翻倍的投资。他会告诉你外汇交易商是注册的,但他不是。一个名为 Price Markets 的不受监管的外汇交易商,他使用电子邮件地址 jacobkk231@yahoo.com。没有电话号码或公司网站。仅通过电子邮件与 Kimmuch 先生沟通。Frank说投资很低调,不想打广告。如果你认识这个自称来自纽约市的人,请不要相信他的故事、虚假承诺和谎言。他正在推广的最新投资提供了比原始投资更高的回报。太好了,这可能是真的。他说他的生日是 1971 年 4 月 18 日,当我拿到他的驾照时,上面写着 1972 年 6 月 3 日。又是一个谎言。

    Please pay attention to this romantic liar named Frank Jack (Jakki) whatsapp#
    Please pay attention to this romantic liar named Frank Jack (Jakki) whatsapp# (315) 362-1085 Email frank1765@gmail.com or jackk8292@gmail.com. Frank is a talkative person and always asks for money to make an investment that is said to double your investment within a week. He will tell you that the foreign exchange broker is registered, but he is not. An unregulated foreign exchange broker named Price Markets, he uses the email address jacobkk231@yahoo.com. There is no phone number or company website. Only communicate with Mr. Kimmuch via email. Frank said that investment is very low-key and does not want to advertise. If you know this man who claims to be from New York City, please do not believe his stories, false promises and lies. The latest investment he is promoting provides a higher return than the original investment. Great, this may be true. Said his birthday was April 18, 1971, and when I received my driving license, it said June 3, 1972. Another lie.


