    发表于 菲律宾


    这个人的名字叫卡尔,又名冯绍。如果您开始在他们的网站上交易,他们会为您提供交易技巧。这看起来相当不错,因为您可以从每笔交易中赚取高达 5-14% 的利润。实际上,您正在操作一个虚拟帐户。我赚了很多“利润”,几乎不知道他们已经拿走了我的资金。然后当我去提取部分利润时,交易公司却拒绝了,指责我“剥头皮”,实际上他们冻结我的账户,并要求我将我的经常目前账户余额的100%加到48 . 它会在几个小时内到达,否则我每天将损失5%的投资。最终我意识到正在发生的事情并面对它们。 “江平”坦言自己为自己的恶行感到非常自豪,称自己通过这次骗局赚了1000万+,还威胁要报警,冒充我犯罪(典型的人渣伎俩)。真无用。

    This is a complicated Tinder scam!
    This person's name is Carl, also known as Feng Shao. If you start trading on their brokerage website, they will provide you with trading tips. It looks pretty good because you can make up to 5-14% profit from each transaction. In fact, you are operating a virtual account. I made a lot of "profits" and I hardly knew that they had taken my funds away. Then when I went to withdraw part of the profit, the brokerage company’s response was to refuse to withdraw cash, accusing me of “scalping”, essentially scalping, freezing my account, and asking me to add 100% of my current account balance to 48. It will arrive within hours, otherwise I will lose 5% of my investment every day. Eventually I realized what was happening and faced them. "Jiang Ping" admitted that he was very proud of his evil behavior, saying that he made 10 million+ from this Tinder scam, threatened to report to the police and impersonate me in criminal activities (typical scum tricks). Useless.


