    发表于 菲律宾


    4 月 15 日,我存入了 30,000 比索Nobel Forex交易账户。在那之后,我有一些损失。 5 月 29 日存入了 12,000 和 18,000 比索,然后我开始盈利。当我的余额达到 8,000 美元时,我试图在 9 月 12 日提取 4,000。从第二天开始,罗斯艾伦和史蒂文霍夫曼表示,提款已获批准,他们很快就会汇款,需要2-5天。但钱没有寄出,他们也没有回复我的电子邮件。 9 月 19 日,Steven Hoffman 向我解释说,公司会计算所有客户的钱,他们要到 11 月 1 日才能汇款。 9 月 20 日,我发送了一个新的提款请求,包括我交易账户中的所有资金(9,050 美元),仍然没有回复我的电子邮件或电话。他们甚至屏蔽了我,没有人回复。

    Nobel Forex is a Scam!
    On April 15th, I deposited 30,000 pesos in my Nobel Forex trading account. After that, I had some losses. I deposited 12,000 and 18,000 pesos on May 29th, and then I started to make money. When my balance reached 8,000 USD, I tried to withdraw 4,000 on September 12th. From the second day, every day, representatives (in the live chat): Rose Allen and Steven Hoffman said that the withdrawal has been approved and they will send money soon, which will take 2-5 days. The money was not sent, and they did not reply to my email. On September 19th, Steven Hoffman explained to me that the company will calculate the money of all customers and they will not be able to send money until November 1st. On September 20th, I sent a new withdrawal request. From this day on, all the funds in my trading account ($9,050) are still not responding to my emails or calls. They even blocked my live chat, no People talk to me.


