    发表于 罗马尼亚


    我在社交媒体上认识了一个人,并被介绍为交易员,这引导我访问并从 2021 年 8 月 11 日起在FOGEE LTD 平台投资了 119.300 美元。从那以后,我通过 ZALO和 https://www.FOGEE .vip/index.html与这个人进行了几次交易。第一个事件发生在这个 ZALO“客服”要求我用33.000 美元的金额分两次付款(20.000 美元和 13.000 美元)来解冻我的账户。这笔交易完成后,这位ZALO“客服”要求我再支付20.000美元以出金。付款完成后,这位ZALO“客服”再次要求我支付20.100美元的税款。当时,我做了一个研究,我意识到这是一个骗局。所有交易均在越南进行。我有与FOGEE有限公司和那个人谈话的所有证据、证据和信息。

    Unable to withdraw
    I met a person on social media, and was introduced as a trading person which guided me to access the FOGEE LTD platform and invested the amount of 119.300 USD since 11.Aug.2021. Since then, I`ve made several transactions with this person via ZALO and the https://www.fogee.vip/index.html. The first incident was happened when this ZALO "customer service" asked me to unfreeze my account for a amount of 33.000 USD payment in 2 separate payments ( 20.000 USD and 13.000 USD). After this transaction was completed , This ZALO "customer service" requested me to pay another 20.000 USD to withdrawal the amount. After the payment was done, this ZALO "customer service" requested me again to pay 20.100 USD for the taxes. At that time, I did a research and I realize did is a scam. All the transactions was done in Viet Nam. I have all the evidences, proofs and information of conversations between me, FOGEE LTD and the person.


