发表于 澳大利亚


这是2022年3月13日曝光的更新,标题:自2022年2月24日起的出金。最后我发现2022年2月24日的转账收据是假的。在要求提供转账和返还资金证明的 2 周后,我没有从财务处获得任何资金。3月18日,我得到银行的确认,相关账户中没有此类转账。虚假转账被曝光后,财务部不断拖延我的资金转账。2月25日,在我提款后的一天,由于MT4服务器被人操纵,现在财务可笑地要求从我被烧毁的账户中支付2000元!所有这些都是有计划的还是偶然的?从所发生的事情可以看出,这一切都是公司一小部分人为了扣客户的钱而实施的阴谋。我会恳请Skyam Invest彻底调查此事。对扣留资金、制定规则管控客户的不良做法应予以纠正和制止。如果公司今天能够完成我的资金转移,我将不胜感激,因为财务部门推迟了自2022年2月24日以来的转账。

Fake transfer receipt from the finance department
This is an update of exposure posted on 13 Mar 2022 with title: Withdraw since 24 Feb 2022. Finally I found out that the receipt of transfer on 24 Feb 2022 is a fake transfer receipt. After 2 weeks of requesting the prove of transfer and return fund, I was not provided any of them from the finance. On 18 Mar I got confirmation from the bank that there was no such transfer in the relevant account. After the faking transfer was exposed, the finance department keeps on delaying the transfer of my fund. Now the finance ridiculously asked for the payment of 2000 from my burned account which was caused by the manipulation of the MT4 server on 25 Feb, one day after my withdrawal! Are all these plotted or accidental? From what had happened, one can see that all this is a plot that was practiced by a small group of the company to withhold the money of the customer. I would earnestly request Skyam Invest to investigate this matter thoroughly. The ill practice of withholding funds and making rules to control customers should be corrected and stopped. Much appreciated if the company could complete the transfer of my funds today that was delayed since 24 Feb 2022 by the finance department.


