发表于 美国


我在Deriv有 50 多个客户,我注意到他们付给我的佣金比他们应该付的少。我联系了我的几个客户,他们给了我他们的账户投资者密码来调查他们有多少手数和交易对。总而言之,我说所有的客户都经营了更多的地段,并产生了更多的佣金,这些佣金支付给了我自己。所以我联系了我的合伙人 ib 经理 sasky,她做了她的研究,其他部门告诉她他们无法分析账户,因为账户已经关闭。好吧,我不得不浪费很多天来搜索客户,向他们索要 myfxbook 上的帐户,或者我可以在哪里看到地段和配对,然后我发送了一封电子邮件,其中包含所有信息,以支持他们的支持、合规性以及艾登(萨斯基告诉我他的电子邮件并说他是负责这件事的部门负责人)。已经过去一个月了,我没有回复。基本上他们多次无视我,因为一周后我联系他们他们进行实时聊天,一次又一次我仍然没有回复。疯了吧。你带来客户,你必须多次上传你的文件 Deriv系统,因为他们一直禁用您的提款。他们只是效率低下且不专业。当您需要帮助时,永远不要回复并且有糟糕的实时聊天代理可用。所以不建议成为 ib 下界交易 Deriv.他们的言辞不可信或不可靠。

taking advantage on IB commissions!!
i have more than 50 clients with deriv now, and I’ve been noticing that the commissions they are paying me are less that they should be paying. I contact few of my clients, which had give me their accounts investor password to investigate how many lots and pair they have trade. ALL, I said all of the clients have operate grater amount of lot and generated grater commissions that the ones payed to myself. So I contacted Sasky, my partner IB manager, she did her research and other departments Told her that they couldn’t analyzed the accounts because the accounts where already closed. Well I had to lose many days searching the clients, requesting them the accounts on Myfxbook or where I could see the lots and pairs, I then sent an email with all the informations to their support, compliance and also to Aiden ( Sasky told me his email and said he was the head of the department in charge of this ). Past already a month and I have NO REPLY. Basically they ignored me multiple times as after a week I contact them they live chat, and again and again I still have NO REPLY BACK. This is insane. You bring clients, you have to be uploading multiple times your documents on Deriv system because all the time they disable your withdrawal. They are just inefficient and unprofessional. Never reply and have bad live chat agents available when you need help. so don’t recommend being an IB nether trading on Deriv. They are not trustable or reliable on their words.


