    发表于 葡萄牙


    这些人每天都在同一时间操纵市场。每天两次,分别在美国东部标准时间下午 1:30 和下午 3:30。加 10 分钟减 10 分钟。这 5 个受影响的市场 eur/usd、gbp/usd、usd/jpy、eur/gbp 和 chf/jpy 始终是两个受影响的市场。他们也有糟糕的客户支持。我附上的图片反映了这一点,在此事件发生之日,有人要求提取正在进行中的资金,他们这样做是为了不付款,我会支付他们造成的损失。有兴趣并想测试的可以将图表与 etoro 公司的图表进行比较,它们是相同的并且很好地反映了操作 TERRAIN CAPITAL。周期持续 10 到 30 分钟。我的一个家庭成员也创建了一个帐户并要求提款,直到我还清债务他们才付款。我不知道如果那个人使用 vpn,他们是如何发现家庭关系的,一件事是肯定他们不能被信任。我现在欠这些人6600,是他们造成的。我不会偿还这笔债务,因为我没有办法偿还。

    Market manipulation, fraud
    These gentlemen manipulate the markets at the same time every day. Twice a day at 1:30 pm and 3:30 pm CEST time. Plus 10 minutes minus 10 minutes. Affected Markets EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, EUR/GBP and CHF/JPY of these 5 are always two affected markets. They also have terrible customer support. The image I attached reflects this, on the date of this event there was a request for withdrawal of funds in progress, they did this to not pay and I would pay the damage they caused. Those who are interested and want to test can compare the charts with those of the eToro company, they are identical and reflect well the manipulations that Terrain Capital makes. Cycles last between 10 to 30 minutes. A family member of mine also created an account and requested a withdrawal and they don't pay until I pay the debt. I don't know how they found out about the family relationship if that person was using a VPN, one thing is for sure they can't be trusted. I now owe 6600 to these gentlemen and it was they who caused this. I won't pay this debt because I don't have the means to pay it.


