    发表于 荷兰


    他们操纵图表并窃取我的钱,而应该来自opson的女孩是男骗子,他在opson上,每隔几个月就更改公司名称。 Opsontechfx是同一骗子。我在世界上最著名的交易商之一(icmarkets)上放了他们操纵图表的证据和当天真实图表的图片。 Opsontechfx是骗局,他们所有的图表都被操纵了,你永远无法提取你的钱。它们在 xm 经纪人的 ic 市场上下降了 3 个图表,这些图表完全相同,而同一天同一时间在 opson 上的图表。所以他们通过操纵软件和所有图表来骗取我的钱。伙计们要小心这个人,我损失了 77000,我现在告诉海牙的法官将释放他们在国际刑警组织进行搜查也有他的照片

    scam scam scam
    they manipulate the charts and steal my money and the girl supposed to be from opson is man scammer who is on top of opson and change the name of the company every couple of months sandwich . sich capital .opsontechfx and more are same people same scammers . I put evidence of their manipulated charts and a pic of a real chart on that day on one of most famous brokers in world (icmarkets) . opsontechfx is scam and all their charts are manipulated and you can never withdraw your money . they are 3 charts down on ic markets on xm broker which are totally same and the one on opson in same time same day . so they pic my money with manipulation of the software and all the charts . guys be careful with this people I lose 77000 and I told to the judge in The Hague now and will now release them for search at Interpol I have pic of the scammer he was so stupid to call me and show himself the stupid one . there is pic of him too


