Helena Leonel

在我怀疑我的帐户存在欺诈活动后,我别无选择,只能举报 Seener tech。我向Traceasset*org提出了投诉,他们帮助使提款成为了可能,这本来是不可能的,主要原因是在支付了这么多钱后无法提款和关闭我的帐户,但仍然没有提款的希望。我再也不能向任何人推荐它们了。
Don't fall for victim
I had no choice but to report Seener tech after I suspected some fraudulent activity on my account. I filed a complaint with Traceasset*org they help made withdrawal possible it would have been impossible, The main reason being the inability to withdraw and the closing of my account after paying so much and still there was no hope of getting a withdrawal. I can never recommend them to anyone ever again.