    发表于 沙特阿拉伯


    我把所有的钱都花光了( MTFE ) 因为他们从我这里拿走了它,所以他们向我们发送了一个名为dnnc 的信号,一旦他们在一分钟后给我们信号,这在任何平台上都不存在他们错了,但现在他们是故意这样做的,因为图表下降得如此之快是不合逻辑的,不像任何其他加密货币,当时我到处搜索以找到一种方法来揭露它们或联系任何人寻求帮助所以我没有任何人可以联系,因为whatsapp 我们得到零回应,但当我听说你们时,我认为我有机会从他们那里拿回我的钱,我们在whatsapp 组中有一个团队,每个人都失去了他们的钱在不到一分钟的时间里,这是不可接受的和错误的,所以请帮助我找回我失去的东西。谢谢

    Server Slippage
    I've lost all my money on (MTFE) because they took it from me ,they send us a signal called DNNC which not exist in any platform once they give us the signal after a minute maybe we got a slippage and this's not the first time we had the same problem before and they announced that they have mistaken but now they did it on purpose cause its not logical how the chart went down so quickly not like any other cryptocurrency, at that time I've searched everywhere to find a way to expose them or to contact anyone for help so i didn't have anyone to contact with cause WhatsApp we got zero response but when I heard about you guys I thought that I have a chance to get my money back from them , and we had a team on a WhatsApp group everyone lost their money in less than a minute, that's not acceptable and wrong,, so please help me get back what I've lost. Thanks


