    发表于 印度

    诈骗, 骗局, 敲诈, 虚假,无情——我想给它们添加更多的同义词Elland Road资本。印度人请注意这一点。

    我在失去20lacs 后经历了抑郁症,写这篇评论是因为我刚刚从中恢复过来。我的建议(在差评之前将其添加到这里,因为无论谁阅读这篇评论都会从中受益。我已经失去了,我知道痛苦。)– 如果你投资于Elland Roadcapital 然后你阅读了所有的欺诈评论。保持冷静,慢慢拿走你的钱,不要让他们理解你的感受和撤回的想法。一旦他们知道你想退出,相信我,情况就会改变。要求提款选项并转帐少量,以便您的帐户/信用卡将被批准转帐。确保您所有的交易都在同一天结束。不要长时间保持交易开放,因为亏损的机会更高。通过不添加tp 来避免开仓。如果您想提取资金,请确保您没有开仓交易并观察它们并关闭,即使您的利润较少,然后进行内部转账。一旦您决定提取资金,就永远不要相信您的客户经理。我觉得在我们的钱进入钱包之前它可能是安全的(因为我已经收到我投资的1% 退还到我的信用卡)因为我注意到如果你从交易账户中转移资金,客户经理会发疯。我相信他们无法操纵钱包中的金额,并且如果金额在交易账户中,他们有所有可能的选择让您的所有资产消失。切勿屏幕共享您的银行帐户或个人信息。他们是专业的骗子,他们操纵你的投资,如果你说不,他们将停止连续几天给你打电话,他们会再次打电话来操纵你,他们会要求你增加更多的资本并显示更多的利润,他们资金转移后将永远不会做。如果你说你没有钱投资,他们有所有的选择(虔诚地)操纵你,直到你去和他们分享屏幕,他们会要求你贷款,他们申请贷款,然后投资钱,并承诺一旦我们看到一些利润就撤回,这样你就可以结清贷款。 (如果你有钱并准备好放松,就不要花更多的时间在电话上与他们交谈,然后继续。)一旦你投资并且如果你要求退出,情况就会发生逆转。他们会每10 分钟打电话一次,直到您投资为止,另一方面,他们声称他们不仅仅是为我们提供座位,而且他们有6500 万人可以发言。那他们到底为什么有那么多时间打电话给我们,直到深夜21:00 点。投资后,当您了解/知道欺诈行为时Elland Road资金,下一步你要做的是从交易账户中提取资金或进行内部转账到你的钱包——然后我们的英雄(所谓的客户经理)来了,他们会对你的转账发疯,他们给我打了50 到10 次电话电子邮件接他们的电话。在那之后,他们会勒索你,说如果你不把钱转回交易账户,他们就会关闭你的账户(ps:不要听他们的,也不要从你的钱包里转钱)而且他们非常粗鲁地说他们不想和你做交易并承诺(错误)你等到最后他们会将你所有的资金转移到你的账户。一旦您将资金转回给您,该网站将暂时关闭,他们不会打电话给您,您所有的钱很快就会变成红色。深夜,一个所谓的助手会用假的英国口音给你打电话,他觉得我们是他们的仆人,并要求开仓,因为你的交易是红色的,然后你就差点输掉所有的钱。他们会打电话给你几天,要求你开始交易,最终变成红色,做出关于退出和多元化的虚假承诺。之后你将永远不会接到他们的电话,你的所有交易都将发生变化,接近负余额,从而减少你的净值。一个晴朗的日子,突然在晚上他们会打电话给你说你的保证金水平下降了。我不知道你的客户经理是谁,要求登录添加更多资金,然后声称他们来自财务团队,他们与客户经理没有关系,最后说你的客户经理请病假(记住客户经理会给你暗示说他将在两周后休假,同时与你谈论更多投资)。因为你已经损失了所有的钱,我们无法增加更多的资金,当我们这么说时,他们会挂断电话,很快你所有的交易都会被关闭,你最终会失去一切。他们永远不会回复您的电子邮件。你不能给他们打电话或联系他们。他们所有的电话都来自英国,他们是专业的骗子,带着假口音和假身份坐在某个地方。

    FRAUD, SCAM, BLACKMAIL, FAKE, CHEATING, RUTHELESS -- I wanted to add more synonyms to ELLAND ROAD CAPTIAL. And INDIANS please BEAWARE of this.
    I have gone through depression after losing 20lacs, Writing this review as I have just recovered from that. My ADVICE(Adding it here before the BAD Review as whoever reads this review will benefit from this. I have lost and I know PAIN.)– Don't panic if you are invested in ELLAND ROAD CAPITAL and then you read all the fraud reviews. Be calm and take your money slowly without making them understand your feelings and mind to withdraw. Once they know you want to withdraw, Trust me the picture will change. Ask for a withdrawal option and transfer a small amount so that your account/credit card will be approved for transfer. Make sure all your Trades are closed on the same day. Don't leave the trade open for a long time as chances of losing money are higher. Avoid opening the trades by not adding a TP. If you wish to withdraw the funds, make sure you don't have trades open and watch them and close even if you have less profit and then make an internal transfer. Never trust your Account Manager once you have decided to withdraw the funds. I feel until our money is in the wallet it may be safe(as I have received 1% of what I have invested refunded to my credit card) as I have noticed the Account manager will go mad if you move the money from trading account. I believe they can't manipulate the amount in the wallet and they have all possible options to make all your equity vanish if the amount is in the TRADING Account. NEVER screen share your bank accounts or personal information. They are professional scammers, they manipulate your investments and if you say no they will stop calling you continuously for a couple of days and again their calls to manipulate you will start and they will ask you to add more capital and show more profit, which they will never do after the funds transfer. If you say you don't have money to invest, they have all the options to manipulate(religiously) you till you go and share the screen with them and they will ask you to take loans and they apply for the loan and then invest the money and promise to withdraw them once we see some profits so that you can close the LOAN. (NEVER Spend more time on the call talking with them if you have money and READY to LOOSE then go AHEAD.)Once you invest and if you ask for withdrawal, the picture will take a UTurn. They will call every 10mins until you invest and, on the other hand, they claim they are not simply seating for us and they have 65million people to speak. Then why the hell did they have so much time to call us till late evening 21;00 IST. After investing, when you understand/know about the FRAUD of Elland Road Capital, the next step you do is to withdraw the money or make an internal transfer to your wallet from the trading account – then here comes our heroes(SO Called Account Manager) they will go MAD on your transfer and they called me 50times to 10 emails to pick their call. After that, they will blackmail you saying they will close your account if you don't transfer your money back to a trading account(PS: Don't listen to them and don't transfer your funds from your wallet) and they are very RUDE and say they don't want to do trading with you and promise(FALSE) you to wait till the end they will move all you funds to your account. Once you transfer the funds back to you, the site will temporarily go down and they will not call you and all your money will soon turn into RED. Late evening one of the so-called assistants will call you with a FAKE English accent and he feels we are their servants and ask to open trade as your trades are RED and then you go near to loosing all your money. They will call you for a couple of days to ask you to open trade, which eventually turns into RED making a FLASE promise about withdrawal and DIVERSIFYING. Later you will never receive a call from them and all your trades will be moving, closer to the negative balance, reducing your equity. One fine day, suddenly at night they will call you saying your margin levels are down. I don't know who your account manager is and ask to login to add more capital then claims they are from finance team and they have no connection with account manager and finally says your account manager is on sick leave(Remember the account manager will give you a hint saying he will be on leave after 2 weeks while speaking to you on investing more). As you have already LOST all your money and we can't add more CAPITAL and when we say that, they will disconnect the call and soon all your trade will be closed and you end up LOOSING everything. They will never reply to your emails. You can't call them or contact them. All their calls are from the UK and they are professional scammers sitting somewhere with a FAKE Accent and FAKE Identity.


