Amit 1725
发表于 印度


先生/女士,我的 USDC 账户通常由我交易,并在两个月前考虑好,通过邀请朋友选项,我邀请了我的朋友,我们在注册之前都完成了验证过程,然后我们通过互相建议开始交易,因为我的朋友我不太懂英语,所以我帮了他一些时间。在交易中,有一段时间我遭受了很大的损失,我通过贷款等方式投入了更多的钱。但现在 USDC 冻结了我们的账户,说我必须进行税务验证,然后我通过充值我账户金额的 20% 的 USDT 来完成此验证,之后他们停止了我的提款流程,然后公司再次要求 10%我帐户中的存款必须正常提款,否则他们会冻结我的帐户,他们还说看到了一些异常行为,但我想问我做错了什么行为,请对此做出解释。我现在已经失去了所有的钱我必须去找网络警察,我别无选择,请采取适当的行动,否则我必须对公司采取行动。我已经准备好验证我的身份了,谢谢 support@usdc-vip.com 指定的公司通过带我进行交易来欺骗我,然后一次又一次地索要钱财,他们冻结了我的身份帐户,我无法提取我的钱,他们指责我的异常行为,并要求我提供资金来解冻我的帐户以进行提款,他们要求我以我已完成的税务验证过程的名义将钱存入我的帐户,大概占交易金额的20%

I am unable to do withdraw my funds
Sir/madam, My usdc account was normally traded by me and thought out before two months and from invite freind option I had invited my friend and we both had done verification process before being registered and then we start trading by suggesting each other because my friend didn't know so much English language so much I had helped him some time. In trade and some time I got so much loss and i invested more money by taking loan and all . But now usdc has freeze our account by saying That i have to do tax verification then I had done this verification by recharging of usdt 20% of amount which I have in account after that they stopped my withdrawal process and then company again ask for 10% of deposit in my account to have normally withdraw otherwise they freeze my account also they are saying some abnormal behaviour seen ,but I want to ask that what behaviour I had done wrong give explanation about that .I have lost my all money in this ,now i have to go cyber police and I have no option left Please take proper action, otherwise I have to take action against company. I have all proof some of my I'd and I am ready to verification of my identity Thank you support@usdc-vip.com named company has scammed me by taking me in trade then asking for money again and again,they had freeze my account and I am not able to withdraw my money back,they blame me for abnormal behaviour and ask for money to unfreeze my account for withdraw, they ask for money to deposit in my account in the name of tax verification process which I had done 20% of amount in my earnings by traded amount


