    发表于 美国


    2023 年4 月至7 月期间,我使用一家位于英国的交易商CTRL-FX (https://www.ctrl-fx.com/) 参与在线外汇交易。在此期间,我向该交易平台投资了价值约355,000 美元的加密货币。该加密货币支付是通过加密货币平台Kraken (https://www.kraken.com/) 进行的。我一开始尝试使用加密平台Coinbase (https://login.coinbase.com/signin?login_challenge=f515c26042e343b99847900dd8bf8970) 进行加密支付。但当我用Coinbase 向CTRL-FX 转账时,Coinbase 拒绝向CTRL-FX 转账,并限制我的账户发送加密货币,而且没给任何原因。 Kraken 允许将加密货币转移到CTRL-FX。在上次从Kraken 到CTRL-FX 的加密货币传输后不久,Kraken 无缘无故地关闭了我的帐户。 2023 年4 月至5 月中旬,我在使用CTRL-FX 平台进行交易时获得了显着收益。 2023 年5 月,我要求从CTRL-FX 账户中提取所有资金和收益。在我请求提取CTRL-FX 账户中的所有资金后,CTRL-FX 要求我支付大量费用和税款,金额约为484500 美元。如果不支付这些款项,CTRL-FX 拒绝出金。我遵守了CTRL-FX 的要求付款,因为当时我并不知道CTRL-FX 是一个诈骗外汇交易平台。额外费用和税款是通过银行电汇进行的,大约484,500 美元。因为Coinbase 和Kraken 分别限制或关闭了我的账户,而没有向我提供任何理由。向CTRL-FX 的银行电汇是转入香港不同名称的多个银行账户。尽管按照CTRL-FX 的要求支付了所有额外费用和税款,但CTRL-FX 仍然拒绝出金并要求支付更多款项。

    CTRL-FX is a SCAM!!
    Between April to July 2023, I was involved in online forex trading using a broker based in the UK called CTRL-FX (https://www.ctrl-fx.com/). During this time, I had invested approximately $355,000 worth of cryptocurrency into this trading platform. This crypto payments were made via the cryptocurrency platform, Kraken (https://www.kraken.com/). I had initially tried to make crypto payments using the crypto platform, Coinbase (https://login.coinbase.com/signin?login_challenge=f515c26042e343b99847900dd8bf8970). But when I tried to send funds to CTRL-FX using Coinbase, Coinbase rejected to make the transfer to CTRL-FX and restricted my account from sending crypto without giving me any reason. Kraken however allowed me to transfer crypto to CTRL-FX. Shortly after the last crypto transfer from Kraken to CTRL-FX, Kraken shut down my account without any reason. Between April and mid-May 2023, I would appear to have made significant gains while trading using the CTRL-FX platform. In May 2023, I requested to withdraw all my capital and gains from my CTRL-FX account. Following my request to withdraw all funds in my CTRL-FX account, CTRL-FX requested that I make numerous fees payments and tax payments amounting to approximately $484500. Without making these payments, CTRL-FX refused to send me my funds. I complied with the CTRL-FX request to make these payments as I was not aware then that CTRL-FX was a scam forex trading platform. The approximately $484,500 of additional fees and tax payments were made bank wire transfers as Coinbase and Kraken restricted or closed my accounts, respectively, without any reason being provided to me. The bank wire transfers to CTRL-FX were made to various bank accounts in Hong Kong that were in different names. Despite making all the additional fees and tax payments, as requested by CTRL-FX, CTRL-FX continued to refuse to send me my funds and requested for more payments.


