发表于 美国


Mexo金融公司有一个交易平台,我尝试从账户出金时,发现他们仅支持使用外部额外资金对出金金额纳税(不允许扣账户内资金)。 他们给了我一个不知名的账户地址,除了钱包地址之外无法验证任何东西。我所有利润都被骗走了,而且他们冻结了账户,并拒绝归还任何原始资金。 我将提款金额调整为小于入金,但他们还是拒绝申请,要求我在他们出金之前使用账户外部资金对所有利润纳税。 他们要求提供我支付资金的截图,并将我列入聊天黑名单,这样一来,即使我已经支付了所谓的税款,他们还是删除了我的帐户,我也无法向他们发送任何内容 Mexo 是一个诈骗网站。 当然,我没有向他们提供的账户支付任何额外的资金。但我从原始存款和交易利润中被骗走了超过 120,000.00 美元。 我的账户总额为 481,495.83 美元。 此外,Mexo 没有工作电子邮件,用户不能与公司中的工作人员进行沟通。 https://www.mexofx.cc/ 提供的电子邮件:info@MEXO Finance.cc 无效。MSB 注册号:已注册 法定名称:SSJTCF GROUP LIMITEDDBA 街道地址:FLOOR 1 OFFICE 25 22 MARKET SQUAREC 城市:伦敦 邮政编码:E146BU 英国。我的帐户一开始被冻结,然后他们禁用了聊天功能,然后又删除了该帐户。

Demanded additional outside money - Scam exchange
Mexo financial ltd has a trading platform however when trying to withdraw funds from my account, I discovered that they insist that taxes be paid on the withdrawal amount using outside additional funds only (no withholding of account funds is permitted). They gave  me a nondescript wallet address that cannot be verified as anything beside a wallet address, I was not only scammed out of all of my profits but they froze the account and refused to release any of the original deposited funds as well. I attempted to adjust the withdrawal amount to be less than the deposited funds however they refused to complete the transaction insisting that I pay taxes on all profits using outside funds before they will release any funds. They asked for proof that I paid the funds which amounts to a screen shot basically and black listed me on chat so I could not send them anything even if I had paid the so called taxes and then deleted my account altogether.  Zero stars. Mexo is a scam site. I of course did not pay any additional funds to the wallet address they provided and was scammed out of over $120,000.00 USD from the original deposits there as well as the profits from the trading. The total in my account is $481,495.83 USD. Furthermore Mexo has no working email.with which to conduct correspondence with a real person in the corporation. https://www.mexofx.cc/ The email provided: info@MEXO Finance.cc is invalid.The MSB registration number: is registered Legal Name: SSJTCF GROUP LIMITEDDBA Street Address: FLOOR 1 OFFICE 25 22 MARKET SQUARECity: LONDONZip: E146BU UNITED KINGDOM.My account was frozen at first, then they disabled chat and then they deleted the account.


