发表于 印度


名叫朱奈德的员工打电话给我,询问ezinvest公司并说服我存入200美元,该金额于2024年2月2日存入,之后朱奈德先生告诉我投资0.5美元不同的资产,如欧美,澳美,欧元瑞郎等...... 之后,当我提出提取金额的请求时,他在接下来的两三天里没给我打电话,之后有位女士打电话给我说取消出金,她会帮助我赚钱,然后她也做了与朱奈德先生相同的事情, 接下来的三四天她也没有打电话给我,然后我决定离开。然后库马尔先生,一个高级经理,打电话给我问我,同样的套路,取消出金,他一定会帮助我。然后我取消出金,但他说话非常粗鲁,然后就挂我电话。2024 年2月 9日,我准备好提取我的全部金额,并且永远不会信任这家公司。我于 2024年2月12日提出出金请求,我也收到了确认邮件。但在2月13日,库马尔先生打电话给我,要求购买 30000/- 美元匈牙利,我答应了,但我没有这样做,因为我准备出金。但直到现在我还收不到我的钱,他们骗了我。我今年 61 岁,别惹老太太,我只给一个星期的时间,把我的钱和利润一起退还,否则我会对 ezinvest 提起诉讼,因为我有所有证据,ezinvest逃不掉的。

Employee done big fraud with me take all my money
Employee name mr junaid called me and ask in ezinvest company and convince me to deposited amount 200dollar which in deposit on 2/2/2024 after that mr junaid told me to invest 0.5$ in different holding like EURUSD,AUDUSD,EURCHF etc... and after that he can't call me for next 2/3Days when i raise request to withdraw my amount after that some lady call me to cancel your withdrawal i will help u to earn and then she also done same thing as mr junaid did and next 3/4days she also doesn't called me then i decide to leave then after Mr kumar senior manager called me ask me same thing that cancel your withdrawal amount i will definitely help you then i cancel my withdrawal but he talked very rudely just talk point to point and cut phone on 9/2/24 i prepare my mind to widrawal my complete amount and will never trust this company and i raise withdrawal request on 12/02/2024 and i got confirmation mail also but on 13/2/24 mr kumar call me ask to buy 30000/- USDHUF holding i said yes but i didn't do that because i prepare my mind of withdrawal but till now i can't receive my money and they did very big scam with me i m 61years old lady dont mess with me i am giving only one week time give my money back with profit otherwise i will file a case against ezinvest because i have all proof with me can't leave ezinvest


