    发表于 澳大利亚

    骗局, MSquare挪用客户提款

    1.2024年8月14日,在我清算账户后, MSquare小组给我发了一张付款截图,通知我他们已经付款给我了。但事实是,24天过去了,我仍然没有收到提款金额。2.在仔细检查了小组提供的付款截图后 MSquare组内,我确定了三个疑点。(1)时间问题:我于8月14日申请退出, MSquare该群声称当天就付款了,但是截图上显示的时间是8月16日。(2)数值表达问题:提现金额为41401.55 usdt,截图显示的金额也是41401.55 usdt,但是平台一般显示的金额是“41,401.55 usdt”。(3)txid值问题:在网站https://www.oklink.com/zh-hans/trx/tx/上查看txid值,显示的收款地址和我提供的地址不符,金额也不符。3.我确定 MSquare小组没有向我付款。现在我需要帮助

    Scam,Msquare embezzles the customer's withdrawal
    1.On August 14, 2024, after I cleared my account, Msquare Group sent me a payment screenshot, informing me that they had made a payment to me. However, the fact is that 24 days have passed, and I still have not received the withdrawal amount. 2.After carefully examining the payment screenshot provided by Msquare Group, I identified three doubts.(1).Time issue: I applied for the withdrawal on August 14, and Msquare Group claimed to have made the payment that day, but the time shown on the screenshot is August 16.(2).Numerical expression issue: The withdrawal amount is 41401.55 USDT, and the screenshot displayed the same amount as 41401.55 USDT, but the platform typically shows the amount as “41,401.55 USDT” .(3)TXID value issue: Checking the TXID value on the website the receiver's address shown does not match the address I provided, and the amount also does not match. 3.I am certain that Msquare Group did not make a payment to me. NOW,I NEED HELP


